Ashleigh <33

Author / Magical Creature Expert

I follow everyone who follows me! :)

  • Joined January 2021
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 208 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


↤↤Ashleigh!↣↣ Who said being a witch was easy? Especially when coming from a family who thought magic was a sign of the devil. When I got my letter from Hogwarts I was so excited, I was in the deepest forests on Portugal, writing a report on the Portuguese Long Snout, with my uncle, who I had inherited my magical background from, when a small fluffy brown owl crashed into the tree, my small fluffy brown owl. We'd never thought I'd get into Hogwarts as I never showed much signs of magic until my later stages of life. Anyway, my uncle and I flew straight to London to get my equipment from Diagon alley! After going to Ollivanders, we came out with a 11" Hazel Wood, Veela Hair wand. When I arrived to Hogwarts there was no doubt in my mind about being in Slytherin, although the house itself doesn't have the best reputation, most people in it are amazing! Instantly I poked my nose in a book about magical creatures and was eager to start, but I also had many other lessons to do, and I kept my focus on all. I really enjoy hanging out with people, although I find magical creatures a lot more interesting and trustworthy.. If i'm not hanging around with my multiple pets, I'll be at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour with my nose stuck in a book, feel free to come talk to me if you see me there though! My biggest fears, it's a hard question to answer, and a big thing to give away, who knows what people could do with that information but anyway, may as well answer it, I have always had the fear of being alone or loosing a loved one, These two things may be the only two I have, I mean, I have been around dragons my whole life, there's not many things scarier than that! My favourite spells? Hm that's easy Riddikulus is one of mine personal faves, I mean think of it, the scariest thing turned into the funniest, I think a bit of humour in a spell can be good if used in the right way! My second favourite is weirdly Obliviate, I mean one spell and your whole memory is gone, it's not exactly a nice spell I'll admit that, but it sure is exciting! My birthday is on the 21st of March although I don't like to celebrate it much, no reason for it I just don't get the point of birthdays, although I will go to parties for the cake and for my friends, that's it. Things that annoy me. People who act fake, just be yourself, everyone will love you for you, and if they don't well that's on them. I also hate surprises, I prefer knowing what's gonna happen than I find out without knowing. I also hate people who try to cast a spell on another person who is unarmed, if you are gonna fight make it fair. 'I don’t like people who attack when their opponent’s back’s turned,’ Stinking, cowardly, scummy thing to do …’. - Barty Crouch Jr, undercover as Alastor moody. My fave quote must have been when Luna Lovegood says: ' You're just as sane as I am' I don't know why but this line really showed how interesting Luna can be. Although I have cast a full Patronus very few times mine is a Fox terrier, which means i', ' Spunky ' and 'Loyal ' I don't exactly know what spunky means but I'll take loyal. Onto my loves of my lives ( my pets of course! ) I have quite a few pets: A 6yr old crup, he's very playful and if you give him a treat he'll do anything! A young Niffler, she's shy but she's getting there, loves to be carried around and loves cuddles! I also have a puffskein who is hardly seen a just prefers to chill in the dorm room with the Slytherins, and as I said earlier I have my owl, he's not exactly.. well the smartest but he loves his food and chilling with other owls! I also have a Kneazle, which isn't exactly your average pet, but she's very curious and will mostly be spotted sniffing around outside. And finally, I have my dog, who isn't with me, he's at home with my uncle but I thought I'd include him and he really is a mans best friend. I love most shades of red, it's a colour that connotates love and relationships, how sweet, yet at the same time it connotates blood and death, such a bright yet so dark colour, this is what I find so amazing about it, different people think of the colour in different ways. Anyway I'll end it here, I don't have much of a relationship with my parents anymore, I'll call every so often but the chats are dry and I'm considering just cutting them out completely. Anyway, hope we meet soon, lets be friends! 

Favorite song at the moment <33 :

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