
Ace, lesbian, genderfluid (:

Hi, I'm a Whovian/Sherlockian, I'm genderfluid, ace, lesbian, and biracial. I'm super socially awkward, I'm sorry.

  • Joined March 2021
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Switzerland


So: I am ace, lesbian, and genderfluid, I'm Rhyn, which will probably change in like a month but no matter.

My fandoms are: HP (duh!!), Percy Jackson etc., Shadowhunters, Sherlock, and Doctor Who. And I simp for like every character in those fandoms :)

OC #1

Name: Brooke Nightingale

Age: Born 12. August 2005

Identity: Agender, aroace

Pronouns: They/them

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Blue

Skin colour: Dark brown

Identifying marks: Vitiligo

Personality: Kind, but would blow anything and everything up for their friends.

Pets: Dragon named Elsa
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OC #2

Name: Angel Row

Age: 16

Identity: Genderfluid (fem and nb), bi

Pronouns: She/her or they/them

Eye colour: Red

Hair colour: Red

Skin colour: Pinkish red

Identifying marks: Freckles

Personality: Devil, angry at most things.

Pets: Salamander named Feather
image uploader

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