- Joined May 2021
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
I was sorted into Slytherin, obviously, being a cunning, extremely charming pureblood I didn't expect anything else. At soon as that tatty old hat got within a meter to me it knew where I belonged, it yelled out Slytherin before it even touched my head. I have a natural talent for DADA and Potions but an extreme hatred for transfiguration, what a pathetic excuse of a class, especially with McGonagall teaching it. I never admit it to anyone but I do have a deep love for astronomy, something about the stars is just enticing to me. Being a pureblood I was raised among death eaters and the like, taught all the dark spells before I could even fully grasp a wand. Downtime was a rarity for me as a child, I was constantly at balls, dinners and meetings, they were always horrible wastes of my time but anything to keep the image up as father would say. I was forced into the ranks by my father. As much as I loved all the dark magic and power I held I never wanted to join him. Yes, I was a stone-cold bitch with fucked up morals but I never asked for the life I was given, with a stupid brand on my arm trapping me into the dark path I was going down. Many at school have suspicions about my standings with The Dark Lord but I let them talk, the only people who know about my family and mark were my best friends. Daphne, Millicent, Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Malfoy. Zabini, Nott and Ferret boy were also in the ranks but again not of their choosing. If I'm being honest I love my image at school. I'm a powerful dark witch with incredible eyebrows but at home, at home, I don't like who I am. Pureblood families raise their children to value family, loyalty and power but that leaves little room for humanity. I have many strengths but my greatest weakness is my desire to love. As my father would say Love left me vulnerable, and that scared me. In the position I was in, with the mark on my arm, I couldn't afford to be vulnerable. Love made me weak, so love I must not. Graduation, I don't really think about that. I go day by day and just hope I'm still here when the sun sets. My dream life after graduations is probably travelling the world with my friends. Simple and fun, sounds perfect. I don't know what I'd do without magic, I don't think I could live. I'd be a muggle...yep absolutely not, never happening. If I'm being honest what do I really want? That question sits with me a lot because to be quite honest I don't know. Right now all I want is for this war to be over. I want life to be simple again. I want to spend my days roaming the castle grounds with the sounds of laughter surrounding me and the golden sunshine beating down on my exposed face. I want this stupid mark of my skin, I want the constant worry of death to stop looming over my head. So there you go, my deepest desire, I want to be normal.
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