Aimee Scott

Your Character

  • Joined November 2021
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 45 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I am a muggleborn student from a reasonably small town in Scotland. I was completely shocked when my letter arrived for Hogwarts, of course I always knew I was different from my younger brother and my school friends, I had a few incidents where I just couldn't explain why the pens on my desk moved when I thought about it hard enough (just like in my favourite childhood book Matilda) or why I could stop my books from hitting the floor when they fell out of my inevitably too full arms. Being a muggle born has definitely impacted life here in these first few months as I didn't know anyone when I arrived but already my dorm mates are my best friends. It's been difficult getting used to life in a magical community so far from home but I am excited to learn more as I get into classes.

I, like most muggles and muggleborns, find magic truly enchanting and am extremely excited to learn transfiguration and charms as well as astronomy, which I've always been interested in, and potions which sounds just like magical Chemistry which I always loved at muggle school.

I am a Ravenclaw, no surprises there, I've always excelled in school and have loved to read and write stories ever since I was a small child. When the sorting hat landed on my head it wavered for a split second before deciding that Ravenclaw was 100% the best house for me.

I hope to use my magical abilities to help people in the future. At the moment I am fairly confident in my abilities in history of magic and herbology but hope to improve everywhere else. My cat Snowy is always by my side and we both enjoy a rainy evening wrapped up warm in a blanket, drinking hot chocolate and reading Hogwarts a History. 

I am excited for my time ahead of me here at Hogwarts.

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