Quote of the month: maybe we all have Darkness inside of us and some of us are better at dealing with it than others
- Joined May 2022
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 105 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Hi my name is Grace
Pets : 10 chickens, 2 rabbits, 1 dog, 1 cat
Siblings : 1 brother, 1 sister
Gender : female
Sexuality : straight
Birthday 6/27/10
Favorite books: hobbit, twilight saga, Harry Potter(duh), hunger games, Romeo and Juliet, taiming of the shrew,
Likes : corn on the cob, watermelons, beach, swimming, my friends, chickens, rabbits, most animals, baking, bread, noodles, rp, chocolate, pizza
Dislikes : cooked spinach, brussel sprouts, wet socks, duck a la orange, flys, florescent orange