Madeline Raven


Fearless (Taylor's Version) Gryffindor, Cancer, She/her, Swiftie, Bookworm, Writer, Muggle-born, Head-girl ☻

  • Joined March 2023
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 82 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Madeline Raven is a bisexual muggle-born Gryffindor at Hogwarts. With long, fiery red locks and green eyes, her temper certainly matches her hair - she is known for being hot-headed and stubborn. However, she is a loyal friend and very outgoing. She can be very witty and make clever jokes but can become very stern if you mess with her.

Coming from a muggle family in London, she is insecure about her blood status and has been the center of many insults regarding her blood. Even though she deals with this at Hogwarts, she does not let this get in the way of her magic and she is at the top of her class.

Her favorite classes are charms and potions. If she isn't in the library working on homework, you can find her curled up with a book in the Gryffindor common room or outside, laughing with her friends. 


I mainly do romance roleplays (M x F + F x F), but I am down to try out any plot, just send me an owl with any ideas you may have! I am good with 18+ roleplays.

I have no triggers and please let me know before we roleplay if you do.

Do not try to control my character, and I will not control yours.

Semi-literate writer!

Please be patient if I haven't replied to your owl in a couple of days. I try to reply as quickly as possible but sometimes life gets in the way (: if it's been more than 3-4 days, feel free to owl me and let me know.

Feel free to write on my profile or send me an owl if you want to roleplay or just chat <3

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