Joseph (Balthial) Whicker

Magical Creature Expert

  • Joined May 2014
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 485 House Points
  • 2nd Year
  • United States


(Dragonologist) Dragons are among the most dangerous and magical of creatures in the world, wizarding or otherwise. I was first intrigued by them when I stumbled upon a nest of dragon eggs. Little did I know there parents were no where to be seen. I watched for days onto the nest in a attempt to study dragons nesting and incubating there eggs but they never returned. After days I finally took it into my own hands to tend to them! I spent maybe 3 months tending a fire and keeping the eggs warm till one day they hatched. Five beautiful dragons emerged and assumed I was there mother, I took plenty of time teaching them to fend for themselves, fly and other things till a year or so passed and they finally were able to go on there own. As they left I felt a great sorrow overwhelm me but I felt grateful to have had that experience and gained plenty of notes that would change how people viewed dragons forever.

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