Louisa Peterson


I am a Hufflepufff first year (in 2016) and i am kind, helpful and I can help with studying if you want! Im looking forward to every lesson Im in!

  • Joined October 2015
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 5 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


When I received my Hogwarts Letter that faithful day, I didn’t know what it would mean. At first I thought it was just a joke, ya know? My sister sometimes played pranks on me. My parents went to london with me and we went to a place called Diagon alley. The innkeeper was an odd but friendly man, and there were some people to help show us around. The coolest part of Diagon Alley was picking up all the books, especially A history of magic! I just love History! I might finish with “A history of Magic” and "Hogwarts, A History" before school even starts.

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