- Joined November 2016
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
I was Born into a pure blood family that didn't care much about me. They left me when I was Ten, they left me with a Great uncle. My uncle was a great man that made it seem like he didn't care about me, but he did. He died a month before my eleventh birthday. He left me everything, his Mansion and everything inside of it.A few days after his death I was awoken in the middle of the night by a loud scratch and thud. I then sent my security snitch to look for me. The snitch was supposed to find the danger and come quickly back. It never did. All I heard from the snitch was a faint scream and something dropping to the floor.
I frantically grabbed my uncle's Old thirteen inch, dragon heart string, Cherry wood wand.
I went after the mysterious creature.
I was coming to a door that had a long scratch on it, like a bear scratch. I quickly said "alohomora" and the door opened. the room was pitch black and narrow. I lit up my wand and crept inside, all my senses turned on, listening carefully to anything that I could. After what seemed like hours of walking down that hall, A sudden thought came into mind. The thought of looking over my shoulder, And I did. There several feet away was red Eyes, glowing in the dark. I quickly turned my light up to max. A image of what seemed like a snout of a bear, no, Larger than a bear. Fangs the size of daggers dripping with silver blood. (Apparently it had been eating a unicorn) the face slowly rose up and up, until it seemed to be fifteen feet.
I suddenly Ran from the way I came, at least I thought I was running that way.
The sound of a dragon's Roar came from behind.
I quickly ran into a room filled with swords, a room filled with weapons of war.
The door shut behind me, and a Man clothed in black with a knights helmet at his side. I noticed that the man had no head, I could see the bone, black at the tip, inside his neck, surrounded by blood and flesh.
The man came after me, with a black edged sword. I grabbed the nearest weapon, which turned out to be a goblin forged blade.
We fought for minutes on end, he would strike, I would block, and return with a parry.
When I was fighting, a swift jab came from an bludgeon, into my spine.
I woke up, early in the morning, I looked around, there was no one in sight. But a message left on the floor, written in a dark red liquid. It read, "Leave this house at once, Or all will be lost"... "You have one day". Right below that was a snitch smashed into the ground. I quickly realized that It all was real. And that It wasn't a nightmare.
I left, took all the money I could find, shoved it into a never ending bag, took all the possessions that I needed, and left.
I went to A pub, called the leaky cauldron. A man led me to a brick wall behind the pub, and to diagon alley. I stayed at a nice inn, until a letter arrived stating That I was invited and encouraged to go to a school named Hogwarts.
I am now a monster hunter, an Auror, A second year, living at Hogwarts, having the time of my life.
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