Iris Riddle


  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 17 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Iris Riddle was born on October 31, 2002
Iris has dark brown wavy hair, almost black. Pale skin, grey almost silver eyes.
Her wand is Black Walnut wood with a Phoenix feather core 13" and Reasonably Supple Flexible
Her pratronus is a dragon
Talents are, can speak parseltounge, really good at quidditch (later becomes seeker for the Slytherin team) is an Animagus (wolf)
Iris was raised by Muggles (since she was a baby), she never knew her real parents. So, they were the closest thing she had to it! She knew she was different from the other kids at her muggle school. Her adopted parents weren't to surprised when Iris got her letter from Hogwarts. While getting her stuff for school, she found a book all about dragons. She had always been fascinated with dragons. And, then she found out about how you could train, work, heal them, that was her goal in life. On her way to Hogwarts, she meet her, now best friend, Emerson Abbot on the train. She was one of the first to make a connection to the Riddle name. Emerson tried to convince her to go with her Muggle parents last name, West. But, Iris was stubborn and wouldn't hear any of it. Saying, she shouldn't be afraid of her name. She wasn't the one in here family who made the mistakes. Her father was. Not her. So, she stuck with her real name. Although, she will go by Iris West, she would rather go by Iris Riddle. Once at Hogwarts, she was sorted into Slytherin. She ended up meeting a handsome young lad who later becomes her husband. (Who becomes a healer, healing many of her scars from work. But, she was stubborn with a few.) Later on, she found out that she had a brother named Quil, who was in fact the same age as her. Her whole entire life she had a twin and she didn't even know it. And together, they decided to figure out who there mom was, and find out what their dad did to get so feared. And they found out something they didn’t want to ever find.
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