Mabel Gardener


Hi! I'm Mabel! I don't know what else to say.

  • Joined December 2016
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


Name: Mabel Bethany Gardener
Age: 11
Year: 1
Blood Status: Muggle born
Hair: Long auburn hair.
Eye colour: Hazel
Height: 4'8
Birth Country: Canada
Personality: Incredibly shy, kind but also a pushover or doormat. Very clumsy, trips a lot
When Angry: When she is angry Mabel is very scary, almost insane. She loses all sense of emotion and will hurt anyone without any sense of guilt. But she may have a few times where she'll realize what she is doing and ask her self what she is doing before her blood lust and anger takes over her mind.
Likes: Nature, Chinese food, photography, sweets and traveling.
Dislikes: Any kind of abuse, creepy noises (fear) and spicy foods
Wears thick black glasses
Pets: Baby goat named Bowtie
Patronus: Baby Deer (Not based off Potters, based of Mabel's clumsy personality)

I was born into a muggle family. When I was about 7 we moved from Canada to Castle Combe, England.
Once I turned 11 I, of course got my letter to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry! When I was being sorted for a moment I was in Hufflepuff, but then was switched to Ravenclaw. Here's how it went:
*I'm sitting on the stool*
Sorting Hat: Hufflepuff!
*Hufflepuff table cheering*
Sorting Hat: Wait.. no, Ravenclaw!
*Ravenclaw table cheers*
And so I was put if Ravenclaw, but left with a few Hufflepuff items, like a Hufflepuff scarf and socks.
thats kinda it...
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