Lily Fred Horseback

Student, seeker

  • Joined December 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I am a Muggle born, who got the Hogwarts letter when I turned 11.
My parents who did not have any knowledge about witches or wizards thought of it as a joke.
They just thought that the weird stuff that used to happen was because the house where we lived in was possessed or something. Or I may have an extraterrestrial guardian which they could not see....
But then Professor Mcgonagall came to my place and persuaded my paernts that I was a witch.
Hence I started my life and time at Hogwats, starting with the Hogwarts train and the sorting where I was sorted to gryffindor.

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