"I think Lola is teaching the Wizarding World that just because you're a nerd, doesn't mean you can't fight." -Me IRL.
- Joined February 2017
- Member of Gryffindor
- 71 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
Lola Azkaban Livdean (Black) was born on the 25th April, aged 27. She works for the Ministry of Magic as an Auror alongside Ronald Billius Weasley, her brother-like friend, and Harry James Potter, her God-Brother as Sirius Black was Harry's God-Father. Lola is the daughter of Sirius Black and ??? ???. Her mother is unknown, but, in Hell.Lola is single and bisexual (don't get hectic) and doesn't like the mention of Voldemort. Just so you know!