Kyran Bays

Im Not You

Congrats to my friend Jasper, taking things to the next step with yah Mr..Best of luck to you!!

  • Joined February 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Im 14, Kyran Bays..Western boy, lives with 4 brothers and baby sister, step mum!!!
Im a Gryffindor by blood, by act and by family.
I believe in you guys, so in which I expect you guys to believe in me!! Please?
I would like to tell you something amazing, but my life isn't that, actually far off that!!
Heres why:
Mum: Her names Kelly, she is my real mother, died in a car crash, she loved me and my other siblings so much, she gave up her dream just to give birth to my baby sister. She was a Journalist and travelled to places. She volunteered for the cancer society on the weekends and gave to charity as much as she possibly could!! When she died, EVERYTHING changed for me an my siblings.

Sisters and brothers: My brothers, Leighton, James, TanaHera and Demi are all in college, very responsible and take care of me and my baby sister Grace.

Step mum: Carson, does drugs, got arrested and abused me and my siblings, broke my dads heart and stole from him. Treats my family like pigs and cares for her self.

My dad put us for adoption, luckily not separately because Grace is only 2 years old. My dad Alec couldn't handle us, so he did it. We still love him, he's a police for are community and Carson was the lucky one and adopted us.
My dads name is Alec and he is 43.

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