Kate Weasley

Student, Auror

My favorite quote- It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live~Albus Dumbledore

  • Joined May 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


My name is Kate Weasley I'm 17. I have a long lost younger sister that I don't know because my mom took her to the dark side. Both my parent are divorced and I live with my dad. My mom is pure blood and comes from a wealthy family and my dad is muggle born and comes from a poor family. My dad got remarried and now I have to sisters that I love. They don't know about my long lost sister because we don't want them to get freaked out that she may be bad like he-who- must-not-be-named and come to our house and hurt them. I hope I can see my long lost sister.

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