Hello! You're in the wall of Melody Marvolo Riddle! Feel free to leave something nice in my wall for me to see the next time!
- Joined November 2017
- Member of Slytherin
- 119 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Name- Melody Marvolo RiddleBirthday- 6th January 2002
Age- Depends
Nicknames - Mel, Mellie, Melly.
Top 10 Likes:
Diversified interests in people, art, music, literature and places
Enjoys organizing and directing projects; has good management skills
Favorite pastime is dreaming, usually very big dreams that often come true
Likes being successful in business, but knows how to balance work and play
Loyal and faithful lovers and friends
Recognition, especially when it comes to praise over work
Needs partnership in love relationship
Cherishes and expects privacy
Second only to Gemini in having fun, loving change and enjoying surprises
Socializing, large parties or small intimate dinners
Top 10 Dislikes:
Being denied freedom, from choice to all aspects of freedom
Egotistical people, especially those who brag
Money matters that involve lending and borrowing
People who lie or don't keep promises
Being placed in inferior position and forced to comply with someone else's rules
Pushy and rude people
Rebels against the establishment
Routine and any kind of confining circumstances
Unpleasant situations, disharmony, bad form in public
Waste and extravagance
Friends- Adrian Thompson Alice Lupin Amira Teevan(( PFP always amazing)) Anamika Diana Venatore Anna Davies (( Love your SONGS)) Astarra Lovegood(( Do you know her, XP)) Bea Pretorius(( Little Miss Muffet!!) Cassandra Henson Charlotte Williams Chloe Rider Courtney Courtney de Winter Danisha Ahmed (( OMG!!)) Drifty Edmund Goldstein Emilie Emily Adkerson Emma Allison Ethan Taylor((XP)) Gigs Gryffindor (( Someone who posts funny!)) Grace Kellner Gwenivere Montulet Isabela Jasmine Jason Blade(( Truth or Dare Friend)) jazmine Katie Beaumont Kristin smith Lain <3 (( MUST MENTION)) Lydia Greene Maddie Granger Makenzie Melinoe Megaira Greek Michaella "Mickey" Wood Orchidea Palaeosphyx Persephone Perseus Tresconova Rhianna Kalcon(( OH RHIIII)) Rowan Doran Serena Marvolo Riddle(( My sister YAAAAAAY)) Travis Skarsgard Victiore/Kasey/Emilia William Irving ⚡️Spenc Granger⚡️ ★彡, Sofia((Not princess Sofia)) Nessie (( Yea.. someone who shouts with me)), Lola Wolf (( Are you a wolf, BTW?)), Myko Kyon. (( We GO ALONG!!))
Father- Henry Marvolo Riddle - An Auror ( Gryffindor)
Mother- Zahara Marvolo Riddle - An Astronomer ( Ravenclaw)
Grandfather - Liam Marvolo Riddle ( Ravenclaw)
Grandmother - Serena Marvolo Riddle (Ravenclaw)
Great Great Grandfather - Tom Marvolo Riddle ( Slytherin)
Blood - Half-Blood
Oddness - There was not a single Hufflepuff from my father's side family.
Cousin - Sania ( Hufflepuff)
Sister - Serena Marvolo Riddle ( Slytherin)
Favorite Subjects - DADA, Potions, Ancient Runes.
Worst Subject - History of Magic, Herbology.
Favorite Professors - Headmistress Oshiro, Prof. Mitchell, Prof. Gagarina, Prof. Virneburgh.
Relationship - Single
Do you have a crush? - Won't say XD
Favorite colors - Green and Blue
Wand -10¾", Rosewood,dragon heartstring,phoenix feather.
Patronus - Panda!
Just leave something great in my wall, and you'll have cookies!