you're makin' me crazy, you're really drivin' me mad.
- Joined January 2018
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 84 House Points
- 1st Year
United States

<marquee>leftover breakfast, cereal for lunch, she's broken but it's fun.</marquee>

full name - cosette amelie marigold
<small>cosette, meaning little thing.
amelie, her mother's name
marigold, her family name</small>
blood status - pureblood
relationship status - i’m hers
hometown - somewhere in france .
nationality - french
aliases/nicknames - lola
occupation - student at hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry
languages - english, french

age - 16
gender - female
body type - small
hair - long and brown
height - 4'11
complexion - pale
eyes - blue and green mixed

cosette grew up rich and happy. she probably would've stayed that way if her mother hadn't decided to cheat on her father. because if that hadn't happened, her mother wouldn't have gotten murdered by her movie-star father's fan club. and her father most certainly wouldn't have jumped out of a five-story window because of it. they had been living in england ever since lotus was five.
he left the young girl all of his money by the age of ten, leaving the maids and butler's to take care of her. she was an orphan though, and the children at her fancy school had made fun of her. so she moved back to paris.
when she was eleven, she got her letter from beauxbatons academy and excepted gratefully. there, a girl from germany called her lola, which meant 'lady of sorrows' despite having no connection to her actual name. although when she turned fourteen, after making many friends, she and her 'family' moved back to england because they thought it was safer for her with the war going on
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