Lillian Webson


  • Joined September 2018
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 279 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Basic Information:

Name: Lillian Webson
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: Hawthorn, Phoenix Feather, 12½ inches, Surprisingly Swishy
Patronus: Axolotl
Pets: Lenux (Black Cat)


     Lillian Webson was born to Exceverett and Winona Webson in Siston, Bristol, UK on May 24, 1981. Growing up, she was extremely close with her mother, Winona, and relatively close to her father, Exceverett. Her father, a muggle, worked as a construction worker. Her mother, a witch, stayed at home and took care of young Lily.

     Her mother was the first person to discover Lily was magical. While eating breakfast one day, Winona took a doll from Lily so it wouldn't get dirty and placed it where Lily couldn't reach it. Lily continued to sadly finish eating her breakfast as she unknowingly used magic to make the doll float back over to her, Winona watching in awe and glee the entire time.

     Although she wasn't as close to her father, Lily quickly gained the same music taste as him, being classic 80's rock n' roll. For her birthday, she was gifted many vinyl records and cassette tapes of her favorite bands which her father kept safe for her until she grew old enough to handle them safely.

     During her early schooling years, she never had many friends and was bullied often. Every time she seemed close to someone, they'd push her off for being "too weird." Eventually, Winona decided that it would be easier if Lillian was homeschooled.

     Lily was an extremely multifaceted child. She often snuck out to explore her neighborhood. She loved adventuring to new places, often accompanying her parents anytime one of them went anywhere at all. She also loved to read and take care of her garden, the latter of which she seemed to have a knack for.

     On her 10th birthday, her parents gifted her the two gifts she had wanted for a long time: an original, vintage Walkman, and a black kitten that she named Lenux. Knowing they would be sending her to Hogwarts soon, Exceverett taught her how to make her own mixtapes that she could sneak into the school with her.

     Then that fateful day came, Lillian's 11th birthday, when her letter came in the mail. Some of the magical world had been explained to her, but now, she was going to experience it for herself.

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