Transferred over from Ilvermorny, let's be friends and do stupid fun things together! (19+ admins/RPrs only please)
- Joined November 2018
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
(FC: Tim Borrmann) | Third person paragraph style rps preferred in DMs | No god modding allowed here folks______________________
~~~~~{Info on Carlisle}~~~~~
Full Name: Carlisle Iwan Pendragon
Birthday: April 18th
Blood: Pure-blood
School history: Used to be a thunderbird at Ilvermorny until his 4th year when he came to hogwarts as a Hufflepuff.
Relationship: Single
Sexuality: Bi-romantic Demi-sexual
Family: Sylvia Pendragon (Mother/alive), Demetrius Pendragon (Father/missing,possibly deceased), Theodora Pendragon (Older sister/Alive)
Personality: Carlisle is pretty much the chill dad friend of the group, he's usually the one to always find a way to make friends with everybody but he isn't afraid to throw hands if it's for good reason. He's very caring, chivalrous, humorous and a bit of a troublemaker when you get close enough to him. Carlisle also has a deep love for all animals, ordinary and magical creatures alike so he almost always has some sort of creature with him at all times, which has gotten him into trouble countless times.
Likes: Magical creatures, Animals, Almost any type of music, avoiding snape like the plague, napping in weird places, helping his friends study, using transfiguration to turn himself into various creatures, nerding out with hagrid over creatures, long trips to hogsmeade with friends, autumn, Learning about new creatures and beasts, going on crazy adventures with friends.
Dislikes: The whole pure-blood prejudice thing at hogwarts, needlessly rude people, losing house points trying to stand up for people, people who are mean to the magical creatures, witches and wizards treating no-maj's like they're lesser people, potions class.
Backstory: Carlisle grew up in north america for most of his life, his mother is a part of MACUSA and his dad...Well his dad pretty much got locked up trying to fight for the rights of magical beasts and disappeared after he was freed, a lot of people just assumed the prison made him go mad. Carlisle was known for being a bit of a troublemaker at Ilvermorny thanks to his fascination with magical creatures, though the stigma about them in american wizardry has died down since the 1920s there are still a lot of teachers and students a like that still see them as a danger though carlisle would beg to differ, well as long as you knew how to handle them anyway. He often got into fights trying to protect and advocate for the creatures like his father did, along with just general fights with people he often butted heads with. Eventually though his mom got tired of hearing of all his bad behaviors and having them reflect negatively on her at work so she had him shipped off to hogwarts through a favor of a friend for his 4th year and try to get her son a bit more under control. To say the least once he met hagrid and made some new friends he almost instantly changed his tune and started working towards becoming a wizard his parents could be proud of like his sister Theo, a brilliant Dark arts defense teacher, instead of just being the troublemaker of the family.
Patronous: Hippogriff
House: Hufflepuff (Ex-thunderbird)
Accent: Usually he just has your basic run of the mill american accent but if he gets heated or excited his true boston accent comes out.
Height: 6 foot even.
Body type: Slim and toned, he better be with how often he carries around heavy creatures.
Accessories: Always wearing the pendragon family crest on a gold pendant his dad gave him on his 11th birthday, his hands and arms usually have scattered bandaging on them from the more rowdy creatures he's still working on fully befriending. Usually wears a few charmed rings for protection and what not.
Eye colour: Hazel (Blue-green)
Hair: Dirty Blond
Scars: Has a scar across his right shoulder blade from a quidditch accident his 2nd year at ilvermorny.