1/3 the heathers -------- penned by lexie! ⁂ | open to starters/one-liners! ONLINE!
- Joined November 2018
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States

name: Heather Chandler
Alpha Bitch
Heather No.1
Mythic Bitch
Demon Queen of High School
age: 16
gender: female
sexuality: closeted lesbian

personal status: dead inside and outside
relationship status: not yours, never was
school: Westerberg High School
occupation: student
affiliation: The Heathers
personality: Being shown as the ultimate alpha-personality, Heather Chandler was cruel, manipulative, and vicious. She has impressive insight on what others think of her and uses that to maintain her standing as the top Heather. She also manages to not care what others around her see her as, as long as she remains at the top.

appearance: Heather has shoulder-length, curly, strawberry blonde hair, fair skin, and pale green eyes. Standing at around 5'4", she's taller than Veronica and Heather Duke, but shorter than Heather McNamara. She's always seen wearing her signature color red in some fashion.
Veronica Sawyer
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
faceclaim: Sydney Sweeney
