Olivier Silvers


  • Joined March 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 17 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Went to Beauxbatons Academy, got expelled by accidentally exploding a tower[ managed to persuade the headmistress to not mentioning it though and i instead just "transfer" me].
Comes from Silvers family.
Mother alive-french
sister-aliv. Older and named elizabeth but NEVER call her that she hates it and beside only i do.
the silvers family is known for their love for creature as their manor is near the forest. We see many different types of creature[NEVER CALL THEM ANIMAL THERE IS A DIFFERENCE]. some even live in our house.
Is now a 3rd year slytherin student. Pure-blood but doesn't care. Enjoys charms,Defense against the dark arts,Study of Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies.
Is a curious mind that loves questioning almost everything. Am a complete fail when it comes to Herbology and Transfiguration. Is chaser for slytherin team of course as i love quidditch.[who doesn't??]. Plans on being an auror and beating the evil slytherin image. IS IN LOVE WITH CHOCOLATE and believes nearly all house elves are the cutest beings but then i again i think nearly everything is cute sooo, oh yeah i also love Care of Magical Creatures and is told to have a 'short attention span" hm maybe thats why i also dont do THAT good in potions meh.
I love pranks involving glitter, is already working to make edible glitter that glows in water and smells like the different flavors AND glitter bomb. Its like an actual bomb but explode glitter EVERYWHERE. Also something called glitter cloud in a bottle. A cloud that rains glitter [of course] but when it lightning strikes you[almost safe still working on that] it dyes certain strands of you hair different colours per struck. [ps dont run away from them as they are attracted to fast moving things....found that out the hard way and the only way to get rid of cloud is to re-open the bottle directly under so try not to break or lose them any spells casted toward them cause them to duplicate or grow bigger and yes the clouds do move around.]

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