Jerry Butterleer

Magical Student

Hey There everyone! ^_^ My Patronus is an Osprey and my wand is of Acacia wood with a Unicorn hair core 13 ¼" and has Quite Bendy flexibility!

  • Joined March 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • India


This place feels... familiar. Guess I am back at Hogwarts again. Oh well...

Oh~! Hey Hey! I didn't see you there. How are you doing? 
You want to know about me? well...
I am Jerry, a 24-year-old muggle who often fantasizes about going to Hogwarts, has been since I was a wee lad. Welp, Not all dreams come true, do they? 
My interests would be games, anime, movies, and books... anything that prevents me from being productive is something I am drawn towards. 

As you can probably tell. I have been here before, twice in fact but never really stuck. I hope I can change that this time around. But can't promise anything, life is busy. As for roleplaying, I am open to it, so don't worry about hitting me up. Well, that's just about it! I'll see you around :) 

Taken <3 

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