[No Name]

Ministry Employee (Education)

  • Joined December 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(Department of Education) As a Ministry of Magic employee, I find that I am able to get the best of both worlds: being an adult and visiting Hogwarts. When I first joined the Ministry after Hogwarts I worked in the Department of Magical Creatures, but later found I had less patience for animals than I do for people. A close friend recommended me to the Education department, where I would still have the opportunity to travel for work but to more, well, cultured locations. I have learned six languages in the past 30 years of my life, and for that experience I was promoted to management. I am able to communicate with all the European Wizarding schools and visit with officials to discuss the importance of funding early magical education, but my heart always finds its home when I get to return to Hogwarts.

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