Margaret Outdam


If you know me and my twin brother, you also know we like action. Love learning, love stories, love fun. Bring a drink and we'll make it late....

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 26 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Netherlands


I was sorted into Gryffindor, which I expected, but dreaded. Since I always thought they were a bunch of pompous pricks, full of "heroic" people. So I argued, be he convinced me to give them a chance. Turns out they are quite oke. I took divination, potions, charms and transfigurations, but most of all I liked History of magic, which really helps me in my current job as curiosity shopkeeper. I am a half blood, my father is a wizard, my mum isn't. Since my father is a purely book wizard (rarely practices actual magic) she didn't mind. That changed when me and my twin brother came around. Me and my brother are quite active with magic, and my mother had some difficulty accepting it. Especially when we started enchanting household items to hover...
We were never really bothered by anyone in school, amd if anyone did bother us we just ignored them and kept to ourselves and our friends.
After school we moved to the Netherlands where I started a curiosity shop. My brother assists me, but he is still looking for his niche of expertize. In the Netherlands You-know-who wasn't really a pressence, there weren't many deatheaters and in Amsterdam we could mostly avoid all that nonsense.
Due to my job I discovered my big empathic abilities. Thanks to that I am good at locating old and magical items in muggle shops, but it also leaves me vulnerable to peoples emotions which can greatly influence to, for the better but also the worse. I love my job and my little shop, nothing better than finding new, I mean, old special things and rehoming them.
In my shop I am daily accompanied by my three cats, Bar, Lyn and Fyn. They all think they own the place and its like having three kids running around, but I love them nontheless.

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