Tessa Graves

What's got you staring?

I'm always looking to rp so owl me if interested! I do mature muggle romance with FxM and FxF pairings! I don't play males for FxM rps, so please don't ask.

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 74 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name: Tessa Graves

Age 18-26(depends on rp)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: dark hair ending at her shoulder blades, green eyes, average height, a dark red scar running from the middle of her right cheek to the corner of her lips.

Face Claim: Victoria Bronova

Tattoos- bird outline on lower stomach, heart outline on right shoulder, a capital T on her right wrist

Siblings: (older sister) Tara Graves (absent) (younger sister) Taylor Graves(deceased)

Fears: tight spaces, heights, the dark, losing the people she loves

Background Info: Tessa's younger sister died in a car accident when Tessa was sixteen. The accident left Tessa with a dark red scar running from the middle of her right cheek to the corner of her lips.

Personality: stubborn, bold, reckless at times, reliable, quick to act, blunt


flowers- hydrangeas

color- dark green (can you tell?)




~physical affection


~being woken up in the morning

~interruptions to her routine


RP Rules/Info

~For replies, I'd prefer a paragraph or two at the very least. If not, I'll try my best to match your replies. If it gets to be a bit too much effort on my part and not as much on yours, I'll end the rp.

~Please try to use proper grammar and punctuation in your replies; it makes it easier to reply and understand what's being said. 

~My triggers are suicide and eating disorders. Other than that, my rps will usually include darker topics, but those can be omitted if you want them to be.

~My rps will also be mature, meaning they will contain scenes of a sexual nature and mature topics such as injuries and cursing. I rarely do non-mature rps, but it depends on the plot idea and the chemistry between our OCs. 

~I do have a Discord that I'm pretty active on for roleplaying, so please let me know if you'd like to do a rp there and I'll give you my username. All my current rps are moved to Discord since it's more convenient, so if you've got Discord, let me know and we can move our rp there! I do prefer doing rps on Discord since it's a more stable site.

~The only fandom I do rps in is The Last of Us, and I play as Tessa. You're free to play any character you'd like, OC or otherwise. The only thing the rp would be based on would be the TLOU's world and not its characters. I don't do Harry Potter rps. 

~For gender pairings, I do Fxany. For FxM rps, I do not play a male.

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