Frog~ (Avere Coto)

A GAYVENGER {Tom Holland hehe}

Blah. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States

ARMY and Blink.... i ship taekook btw....
Favorite Quotes {That I think are funny} iN pRoGrEsS
"Can I have some bottle of water? Harry Potter! Professor? Shut up Malfoy! Shut up! Shut up Malfoy! Shut up Malfoy! Shut up Malfoy!" ~RM
"P-A-S-T-A! Pasta! P-I-J-J-A Pijja!" ~Jin
"I-I bought socks..." ~Suga
"I like puppy" ~ Suga
"I am pig! Oink Oink!" ~ Jin
"I don't have think." ~ Jin
"John Sheena... Are you ARMY?" ~Jimin
{This is a pic, but mah fav thing from Jk...} ~Jungkook
{Eh I'll do a quote too} "dInG dOnGgGg" ~Jungkook
{Picture again :3} ~J Hope ~V
<marquee behavior=“scroll” direction=“right”>
Don't be homophobic, transphobic, racist, or rude here! Thankies! <333


Hi! I'm Avere Coto! I come from a really long line of Slytherins, but being a half-blood (my dad is muggle born but I was raised like a pure blood) I was particularly content with my parentage. I, myself, am a Hufflepuff. My dad was a Ravenclaw, and he was so happy. My mum was less than content, for she wanted to carry on the family tradition. Now that I am a student at Hogwarts, I am so excited! Normally, I am found reading in the library with friends, or doodling on my parchment in Potions and History of Hogwarts. My favorite class is Charms! I really hope to have some good friends. :D i'm secretly a Metamorphagis and is a Legilimens.

Sexuality: Lesbiannnnnn
Gender: Idek
Pronouns: Any
Wand: Sycamore Wood, 10 in, Unicorn hair core
Pet: Niffler, Strudel
Patronus: Occamy
Height: Short
Mood: Usually happy, but can get hot-tempered if someone annoys her while she is reading
Loves: Cats, Owls, Unicorns, Thestrals
Hates: Bugs, Toads
Friends: A lot.
Fav Roleplay: Hogsmeade Roleplay
Lives: Coto Chateu
Looks: Mousy blonde hair, sometimes turns different colours when she is overflowed with emotion, thin, looks starved but isn't, bright face, pale eyes, look almost white
Status: Singe as a Pringle
Always faking a smile to hide her true emotions
SIDE NOTE: Avere is OBSESSED with animals and will go to any length to help save them. Avere also LOVES Quidditch, and desperately wants to be Keeper or Beater.
Kali Wright!
Im Kali uwu

Nicknames: Dumb (Avere -3-), Kali Koo (Tanner), COME UP WITH SOME PLLSSSSSS
Sexuality: Questioning Greysexual!
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Uhhhh idk what else to put heh...
Tanner Mallon
Hey Im Tanner.

Nicknames: bOI (Avere), Kiddo (Kali), I could use more...
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Single rn

Cosette Bardin //coming soon!//

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