- Joined May 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 404 House Points
- 1st Year
The greatest achievement in my life is probably all the drama I used to stir up on here in 2020
Idk what else to say :P
(Any stays feel free to message me to be obsessed together!)
I'm keeping my old backstory for old times' sake, feel free to make fun of it bc I certainly do hahshahhaha
Name: Kathe Clawitter, but you can call me Kats, Kit Kat, Kitti or whatever you want, just tell me
Age: (not my real age tho) 11
Birthday: 07.07.08
Appereance: I have long dark blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m quite tall.
Wand: Alder wood with a unicorn hair core, 13 ½" and slightly springy flexibility
Pantronus: A dolphin
Pets: An owl and a cat named Bruno, a crup pup named Sydney
Hobbies: Reading, learning at the library and sneaking in the corridors at the night lol
Likes: Herbology, Charms, good books, people who are really smart and kind
Dislikes: Astronomy, Boring books, school holidays
Which Hogwarts House I wanted during the Sorting Ceremony: Ravenclaw, but I got Gryffindor
Backstory: My name is Kathe Clawitter. I am a first-year muggleborn girl. I was really happy when I got my letter, I mean it's the best school in the world! Sadly I got sorted into Gryffindor, The Sorting Hat was really unsure in his decision, Gryffindor, and I actually wanted Ravenclaw too...
Personality: I am not sensitive, at least I don't show my emotions. I am brave, cunning, intellectual, clever and really, really smart (Still sad because I got sorted into Gryffindor lol) I love books, Muggle books and Magical books. . I really like dueling and proving myself. I want to show that I am not only smart, I am brave too. I guess that's why I'm a Gryffindor. I like to study together with Ravenclaws and smart Gryffindors. My favorite classes are Herbology, Charms and DADA. My least favourite class is Astronomy, but I don't hate it. I love studying and books, so in the summer holidays I read a LOT! I'm a bookworm
My wand(s): Alder wood with a unicorn hair core, 13 ½" and slightly springy flexibility (This was my first wand, but it got destroyed and then I repaired it with the elder wand so now I have two wands) Elm wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11" and slightly springy flexibility
Boggart: Failing my O.W.L. s and N.E.W.T. s
Amortentia: Book paper, Sea water, Forest and Hogwarts corridors
Spells I’ve made:
The Water wall spell
Incantation: Fortis Aquaventus Pronunciation: fOr-tis Aqua-ven-tus
Wand movement: A 2 but with a bow
Effect: It creates a water barrier you can control with your wand. You can block the Protego Diabolica fire with this spell!
Counter-spell: the freezing spell
The freezing spell
Incantation: Aquam Finis Pronunciation: A-quam fI-nis
Wand movement: None Effect: It freezes water so it breaks easily
It’s the counter spell to the spell Fortis Aquaventus