Annabeth Chase

Hermione Jean Granger, Student

I’m Hermione Jean Granger, and if you ever need help studying you can call me! My best friends are Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Call me for learning!

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Hi! I’m Hermione Jean Granger, let’s just ignore the fact that it says Ranger!
I LOVE BOOKS, so if you ever need help studying for O.W.L.s you can call me!
I can’t do Quidditch, so please don’t sign me up for the team.
If you’re looking for me, I’ll probably be in the library!
I have a cat named Crookshanks, and my best friends are Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.
I visit Hagrid a lot, and currently we are looking for books or information on Nicholas Flamel. The fate of Hogwarts depends on it!
I’m in Year One by the way, but I’ll help you with your schoolwork if you want!
I’m a big fan of LOTR, Percy Jackson, HP (obviously), The Worldquake Series, The Polar Bear Explorers Club and I love reading new books so I’m sure I’ll add to this list soon!
Lastly, a lot of people have been wondering about my name. I’m Hermione Ranger because Hogwarts is Here doesn’t allow canon names, so I have to call myself Hermione Ranger instead of Hermione Granger.

Thanks for reading - and I’ll follow anyone who follows me!

(P.S. Please join my group or dorm if you are also Harry Potter characters!)
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