If you want to roleplay, please read my backstory first and choose who you would like to roleplay with please!
- Joined May 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 70 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
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<summary>(About me)</summary>
Name: Ava
Age: 11
House: Gryffindor
Gender: Girl
Sexuality: Straight
Blood Status: Half-blood
Patronus: Black and white cat
Wand: elder wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ¾" and unyielding flexibility (no joke I took the Wizarding World test)
Appearance: Red hair, blue eyes, LOTS OF freckles x
Personality: I love to sing, dance and act. I like being with friends and going to parties x
Name: Willow Edwards (basically me with a few changes here and there
Age: 13
House: Gryffindor
Gender: Girl
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship status: Taken by Carl Jones
Friends: Best friends with Ruby Scrander (really close) - tell each other everything.
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Patronus: Black and white cat
Wand: elder wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ¾" and unyielding flexibility
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, really pretty x
Personality: Loves to learn, read, takes as many classes as she can, kind, strong girl.
Name: Ruby Scrander
Age: 13
House: Gryffindor
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Relationship status: Single
Friends: Lots! Best friends with Willow Edwards (really close) - tell each other everything.
Blood status: Muggle-born
Patronus: Phoenix
Wand: Cherry tree wood with a unicorn hair core, 9"
Appearance: Red hair, green eyes, glasses
Personality: Always there for her friends and really enjoys Herbology. Likes the outdoors.
<summary>(Roleplay rules)</summary>
➼Please don't ghost me
➼Don't take too long to reply
➼If you have to go, tell me in brackets
➼I accept one line answers
➼Keep swearing minimal please
➼I would like grammar to be correct please :)
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/430111&color=%230066cc&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true"></iframe>

Remember, I love you all!