Thalia Lang


  • Joined June 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 10 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(Older Student) Nobody ever said it would be easy to be a pureblood Slytheryin in her first year at Hogwarts. Coming from a pureblood family of Slytherins, pressuring me to be the best like my sister, Edith, the pressure was on to be top of my year. My best class is History of Magic, but the amount of time I spend working on assignments and essays would make a grown man cry! I like DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts), Potions, and Charms class, probably because my parents are professors at another less prestigous school in Rosemere. You might of heard of Rosemere Magic Academy? Anyway, when I’m not cramming for tests, essays, and exams, you can probably find me hanging out with friends, fighting the demons inside of me, or flying around the school with the special broomstick that's been passed down by my family!

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