Samantha Smithson


Hi! I'm very excited to be on hih.

  • Joined August 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 184 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Samantha is a half-blood witch. Her mother and father got divorced shortly after she was born, so she was raised by her muggle father. She grew up not knowing about wizard world, but her father sat her down on her tenth birthday and explained that her mother was a witch, and she's been showing little magic now and then. She was very shocked at first, but accepted it and is enrolling in hih now.
She was born in Manchester, England, but she moved with her father to France in age 2, than moved again to Atlanta, America again. They considered enrolling in Ilvermony, but decided to study online because they couldn't abandon her life and education.
She's a musical and book lover, and allergic to apple. She has long brown hair which drapes to her mid-back. She is average-height for her age and somewhat introverted. She can be shy when off-line, but she tends to ramble when online. She is hardworking, and likes to do things slowly and planned.
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