Jerry De La Mora

GM At Dept. Int. Magical Coop.

Cunning and ambitious, "Everyone have darkness inside of them as everybody has the capacity to control it." Proud to work at Ministry Of Magic.

  • Joined August 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Mexico


Jerry was a great student at his time at Hogwarts, he was sorted at Slytherin House, just a few members of his family has been sorted at the same house, like his little brother, godmother, and 2 more cousin.
Jerry's Family had the advantage of their ancestors were French, thanks to this, all his family has the pleasure to assist at Hogwarts even the last generation lives at Mexico.
Jerry always had a stronger feeling towards the Dark Arts, being one of the best students at the class of Defense Against The Dark Arts, as he used to be a great quittidtch player.
After he finished his studies at Hogwarts he returns to live at Mexico city.
He always was a huge fanatic of Dark Arts and dark wizards actually he had the dark mark as a reminder of "Everyone have darkness inside of them as everybody has the capacity to control it."
He lost the contact with the Wizarding World for a couple of years, but now he works at Ministry of Magic as General Manager of Department of International Magical Cooperation Mexico's South Side Section.

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