Hi! This is Daisy Weasley's schoolwork account. I'm a demisexual biromantic.. I think, but idk yet. Homophobes back off.
- Joined August 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 166 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Hey! This is Daisy Weasley's second (school) account!
If you don't know who Mills (aka Millie Bobby Brown) then... go look her up.
Other than Harry Potter, obviously, Stranger Things is definitely my fav. And who else loved Enola Holmes?!

MY OC: Millie Malfoy
Looks/FC: Millie Bobby Brown
Year: First
Wand: Cypress wood with a unicorn hair core, 10", hard flexibility.
CLASSES: Contact me if you need help! I've done most of first year in my other account.
ASTR 101-
CHRM 101-
DADA 101-
HERB 101-
HOM 101-
PTNS 101-
TNFG 101-