

Owl me if you’d like to rp. I’m fine with romance and mature. I prefer FxM romance but I’m okay with FxF or MxM. I do most genres and fandoms for rp.

  • Joined September 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


℘keep in mind that I am constantly adding more OCs so all the info might not be here right now℘

<summary> Nyx Riddle </summary>

Nyx Riddle. Pureblood Slytherin. Father: Voldemort (Tom Riddle) Mother: depends on rp. Pansexual: She/Her. Age depends on rp but she is mostly 16. Black hair. Green eyes. She was raised by the Dark Lord himself and has a hard time trusting people and showing affection. She may seem evil but she’s really just broken on the inside. People know not to fuck with her as she will kill you, don’t try her. She tends to skip class to smoke or drink. She somehow gets good grades but most people speculate that she’s cheating. Once she lets you into her life, you better not hurt her or she will hurt you back x10. She can seem like a bitch at first, and she kinda is a bitch, but she only does this to hide her pain.

“I don’t know what love means....”


<summary> Arcana Carver </summary>

Arcana Carver: Pureblood Slytherin: She/Her: Pansexual: Age depends on rp but she is mostly 17 Long, black, wavy hair and blue eyes. Tan Skin. Her parents depend on rp. Arcana is a softie for those she cares about. She has a hard exterior but if you treat her right she’ll open up to you and give you unconditional love. She has been suicidal in the past and does have mental issues but acts as happy as she can. Be careful though, she has 5 brothers, and they’ll fuck you up if you hurt her. But she’s even scarier than all 5 of her brothers combined so be even more careful around her.

“You come any closer and I will literally fight you!”


<summary> Jade Perez </summary>

Jade Perez: Pureblood Slytherin: She/Her: Bisexual: Age depends on rp but she is mostly 19. Long brown hair with blue streaks, and brown eyes. Caramel skin tone. Jade was born in Spain and grew up there until she was 7, then she moved to America. Her dad left when she was 9 but they still stay in touch. She has a baby brother but he was taken away when her mum became and alcoholic after her dad left. Her mum got a boyfriend named Monty who raped Jade and abused her. She ran away and had trust issues. She finds it hard to let people in especially men, from her trauma with Monty. She is suicidal, but tries her best to be positive and if you treat her right, she will make you the best food and will give you lots of hugs and kisses.

“I drink till I’m drunk, smoke till I’m high”


<summary> Hela Danvers </summary>
Hela Danvers: Muggle born Slytherin: Omnisexual: She/Her: Age depends on rp but she is mostly 15. Green hair and grey eyes. Pale skin. Hela grew up with her godmother since her dad died and her mom left. Her godmother was kind and showed her all the wonders magic could offer, despite being a muggle. It was her fathers wish for her to learn about magic and go to hogwarts. She’s kind hearted and loves everyone but also has a cold side where she blocks everyone out. It’s hard to get her to open up about her true emotions, since she always has a facade of happiness. But when she does open up, that means she trusts you to care for her and love her. Don’t hurt her, she’s fragile.

“I don’t expect you to understand...”


<summary> Zariah Slytherin </summary>
Zariah Slytherin: Pureblood Slytherin: Lesbian: She/Her: Age depends on rp but she is mostly 16. Black curly hair and blue eyes. Dark brown skin. Zariah is a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin. Her parents died when she was young so she was raised by Severus Snape. She was raised on magic and it was no suprised that she was a Slytherin. She has a very big attitude and doesn’t take sass from nobody. She will put you in your place and she will not hesitate to beat a motherfuckers ass. She has a soft spot for people she loves and is very protective of them.

“I hope karma slaps you in the face before I do.”


<summary> Atticus Williams </summary>.
Atticus Williams: Pureblood Gryffindoor: Bisexual (boy leaning) : He/Him: age depends on rp but he is mostly 18. Black curly hair and green eyes, darker skin tone. Atticus is just a ball of happiness. He loves everyone and is constantly smiling and giving hugs. He has lots of energy and his addiction to energy drinks doesn’t help. He is very nice but also doesn’t fuck around, if you mess with him, he will mess with you back. He grew up with 3 sisters so he knows practically everything about girls which makes him quite the ladies man despite his love for men.

“That sounds vaguely sexual....”


<summary> Will Ashwood </summary>.
Will Ashwood: Muggle born Hufflepuff: Straight (boring): He/Him: age depends on rp but he is mostly 18. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin. Will is a ladies man for sure. He’s constantly got girls chasing after him and he sleeps around quite a bit. But if he finds a person that he genuinely loves and is happy with, he stops being a hoe. He grew up in a wealthy household and his parents were a happy couple so you could say this boy has NO baggage. I don’t know how he grew up happy but he just did. He’s kind when he wants to be but if you hurt someone he loves, he gets reeeeaaalllly mad. He’s very overprotective and gets jealous easily but knows how to manage his jealousy. He’s got that chaotic energy.

“Sweeeeet Caroline, FUCK FUCK FUCK!”


<summary> Xavier Monroe </summary>
Xavier Monroe: Muggle born Ravenclaw: Gay (bottom): He/Him: Age depends on rp but he is mostly 16: Green eyes and red hair. Pale skin. Xavier may have red hair but he isn’t a Weasley. He’s smart and tends to shut people out. He prefers studying over spending time with people. But if you mean a lot to him, he will quit studying any day for you. He’s very kind and never disrespects people. He grew up with his older brother and no parents. According to his brother, their parents died in a car crash when he was 3 which is why he doesn’t remember. Treat him right, and he will help you with homework.

“Mind over matter.”


<summary> Dylan Ferona </summary>
Dylan Ferona: Muggle born Gryffindoor: Bisexual (female leaning): He/Him: Age depends on rp but he is mostly 15. Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin. Dylan grew up with his two moms. It’s no surprise he turned out bisexual since every time he saw an attractive male, he would point it out. He’s kind and brave and always speaks his mind. He knew he had special abilities from a young age since sometimes he could make random objects levitate. Both of his mothers are very supportive of his endeavors in magic. He’s very open about his emotions and he’s happy most of the time. If you hurt him, he’ll most likely apologize to you even though you’re the one who needs to apologize.

“Who’s gonna tell ‘em I’m not straight?”

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