

  • Joined August 2016
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


My name is Professor Allison Baine. I was born in St Andrew’s in Scotland. I moved to London, England with my family when I was six years old. I attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where I graduated with NEWTs in both Potions and Herbology. It’s my strong recommendation that anyone who wishes to pursue a career in Potionmaking also pay close attention in your Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures classes, as these are where we get our ingredients from.

When I graduated from Hogwarts, I spent seven years traveling and learning different techniques, theories, and developing knowledge from across the countries. I loved traveling and learning all that I could. I still enjoy traveling from time to time. Japan is amazing, and there is so much to learn from the old Japanese Potions Masters.

I ended up back here at Hogwarts when I heard the lovely Professor Batyaeva was stepping away. I decided to return to the United Kingdom and put in my application. I am honoured to be following in her footsteps.

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