The Hogwarts Library

Books by Chu Hua

Story Chapters Reads
WWL News, September 20 by Chu Hua 3 1,569
Our first article! This is really exciting! I am pleased to inform you all that WWL News is now getting into the swing of things. We’d like to start off today with a bit about an amazing HiH student, and a bit about Ellie Goulding. Thank you all so much for reading!
  1,569 Reads • 3 Chapters
WWL News: September 22nd by Chu Hua 2 1,056
Welcome back, everyone! This is our second article! Please do not steal our work because WE WILL find out! Today we focus of two amazing HiH accounts! Note: We are still looking for members, as we still only have two. A link for the application is in Chu Hua’s intro text
  1,056 Reads • 2 Chapters
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