The Miraculous Mystery of the Third floor at Hogwarts
written by I'm Sorry
Hermione told Luna and Ginny about what was beyond the forbidden door on the third floor at Hogwarts. One day while playing a school wide hide and seek tag, Hermione agrees to hide beyond the door. But of course, adventure gets the better of them, and they are trapped down under the trapdoor.....
Last Updated
Playing a Dangerous Game
Chapter 1
"Come on Hermione! Lets Hide behind the door!" Whispered Ginny, it was school wide hide and seek tag Professors VS Students, Ginny was determined to have the students win this time. "Behind what door?" Hermione responded also whispering. "The door on the third floor," Luna interjected, "Shh the professors are done counting." "No, we can't who knows if they have replaced the bottles?" Hermione responded. "Hermy, don't you want the students to win?" Luna said, quite resentfully. "Yeah Hermy, they will never find us down there!" added Ginny, for she was a competitive person, and had been longing, even more than Hermione and Luna, to beat the professors. Hermione was to tempted to say no, she too had longed to put an end to the proffesers winning streak. "Alright, fine, but if we get stuck down there and the teachers have to come get us out, I'm blaming you and Luna." And with that she tiptoed to the forbidden door.