More letters over summer!

written by I'm Sorry


Last Updated






The letters

Chapter 1
This I during there first year.

Dear Hermionie, May 17th
Did I spell your name right? Sorry if I did not. Remember how I told you about Luna who was on a trip? I want to introduce you to her , I hope you like her. SHe is super nice! Also my address is, um.. Well just write to um, Ginny Weasly, Burrow England. That should do it. Also please tell me before you come to my house. Actually please do not come to my house. We can meet somewhere else, probably not your house. I might be too impressed by the mug-- Um, fancy stuff.
-- Ginny W.

Dear Luna, May 18th
Have you found any crumple horned Snorlacks yet? Wish you were back here Fred and George took me to the Muggle village a week ago. (Because Dad made them) I met a Muggle girl named Hermionie (do not know how to spell her name.)She is kinda a Know-it-all (not braggy though) I like her, she just wants to share knowledge. I hope she is a Muggle-born and gets a letter still. When you come back you can meet her.
--Ginny W.

Dear Hermione and Luna, July 3rd
The Wizards Market Went so well! We have made 107 sickles total! I can’t believe I have only known you for 2 months Hermione! Our name is so great! In America they are celebrating a holiday called Fourth of July tomorrow! I am going to a party for it, Dad got the day off for some reason. Some wizards from America are going to celebrate. I do not know what 4th of July is a holiday for but we are bringing so much food! See you at the party, Hermione! ALso Luna, when are you leaving for the beach? Or have you already left? BTW you know that TE, wait no… TV? Muggle thing? Dad has one in his tinkering lab. So I read the instructions you sent and then watched a Musical called Hamilton! It was amazing! Besides the fact that king George was the villain. But now I have seen both sides. Has anyone else seen it on their TE, Tv? It’s hard to believe i’ve only know Hermy for 2 weeks
And (if you forgot) 2 weeks later we were fast friends and started a small business! SO anyway, see you at Hogwarts. Wait, sooner!
--Ginny W.
(PS: Hope Eroll makes the flight!)
(PS: Please Respond!)

Dear Hermione and Luna, August 2oth 2:00 Am

Are you there? I have written a letter and neither of you have responded!! GINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY! Sorry, I can’t talk, it was erolls fault he broke the window. Please Respond!!!!!! I am so glad we got on the early train to Hogwarts!!!
-Ginny W.

Dear Ginny, August 20th, 12:44 Pm

I am so sorry that I have not been responding these past few months. I cannot believe we are at Hogwarts! I am also glad that we got on the early train!! If I did not go on the early train I would be so bored! I am so glad that we are here at Hogwarts now and I hope that they won’t have to close it because of the coronavirus! What do you think we will do if they do close Hogwarts? I am super excited to see this girl Hermione! I hope that we will all become good friends later on. If she does not get a letter I will still come down there to see her. Maybe you could take me!! I hope that you and your family are staying safe throughout this weird time. Stay safe!

Best of wishes,
(P.S. Let's hope that we won’t get into too much trouble this year!)

Dear Luna, August 21rst 7:00
Haven’t you already met her? We went to the wizards Market. ANd sat in the same train compartment, and had my August 11th with an all nighter! Yay!!!!! GTG it's feast time!
----Ginny W.

Dear Ginny, August 21th, 1:01
Yes sorry I do remember now. She was super nice! We did not talk much but I hope that this year will be a year that we can catch up and talk. I hope that she likes me! Can’t wait to see you again!

Best of wishes,
(P.S. Sorry I did not write that much in this letter. This was just a letter to explain.)

Dear Luna, August 23rd 5:00 Am
She does like you, silly! Otherwise she would have told you! You are friends, and now we get to go to Hogwarts together and see each oth

Dear Ginny, August 23rd, 10:30 Am
I'm glad that you think that she does like me! Also why did you not finish your letter?? That was kind of a weird place to stop. I knew that you were trying to say, “each other” but why did you stop and not write just 2 more letters? Also one more question if you do not mind. Why do you write either so late in the night or at 5:00 in the morning? Thanks!

Best of wishes,

Dear Luna, August 23rd 11;00 AM
I fell asleep! Also, I am a night owl so I write the letters while I study classes and Quidditch. And I am busy during the day.

Dear Ginny, August 23rd, 1:57 Pm
Ohh. That makes sense because you were writing at 5:00 in the morning! Ohh I get it now. So basically you stay up all day and night! That is crazy! I could never do that! Sorry for being so demanding!


Dear Hermione and Luna, August 23rd 1:59 Pm

I do not! I usually sleep lots!!! 7 hours a night!!!!!!! Lots and lots! Also have you tasted the Hogwarts mashed Potatoes? They taste soooooooooo good!
--Ginny W.

Dear Ginny, August 23rd, 2:02 Pm
7 hours in my opinion is not that much sleep but you know everyone has their own need for sleep. I need 9 hours of sleep (at most but still!) ! Although I must say if I really want I can stay up all night and day for 24 hours! Oh yes the mashed potatoes are sooooooooooooo good!! I totally agree!! Even thinking about them makes my stomach rage with hunger.


Dear Hermione and Luna, August 23rd 2:07 Pm

Are you referring to August 11th? I stayed up from 7:00 Am to 12:00 at noon the next day!!!! Yes the potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the potatoes!

Dear Ginny and Luna, August 24th 2:16 Pm

I didn’t say anything about August 11th! Also seven hours!!!!!!!!!!! I need at least 11 usually! Also Is there a reason that I caught you up at 5;oo writing a letter and then dozing off?
Hermione G.

Dear Ginny, August 23rd, 2:27 Pm
Yes I am referring to August 11th and other times too. Also Herminoe is not getting these letters from me so that is why she is so confused. I will write a letter to her explaining no need for you to worry about it! Thanks!


Dear Luna and Hermy, august 23rd 3;04 Pm
Ok! Hermy, Luna is writing a letter to you, to explain!

Dear Hermione, August 23rd, 3:16 Pm
Sorry if you are so confused with the letters. This is what happened, Ginny was writing the letters to you and me but when I responded I only responded to Ginny. Ginny was responding to my letters that I wrote but you did not know that I was only writing to her so you did not see the letters which is why you are confused. From now on I will address my letters to you and Ginny if that will make things better! I hope you understand if not just ask me about what you do not understand and I will do my best to try to explain it as clearly as I can to you! Thanks!

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