Clue (way to win!)

written by I'm Sorry

Well Want to win?

Last Updated







Chapter 1
Well its faimly game night! Today your playing Clue! Only you are bad at clue. Here are 2 tricks on how to win!
1: Bluffing
Easyist Trick, So say you are far in the game, and you have three cards you haven't reveled mabey you have Miss Scarlett, Libray, and the Rope. You go to the library and Guess it was Mrs. Scarlett who Murderd Mr. Body with the rope. No one can prove you wrong as you have all three cards (try to act Gleefull!) Then you pass the dice to the next person. They roll and make there final acusation, and try to hide you grin, and it is wrong, they are out!

2: Peeking
This trick, although hard to pull off, and a dasturdly way to cheat... IS ne of the best ways to help your self towrds your final acusation. So when some one shows a carde to prove some one wrong, try to casually take a peek. If you see the card remember tha it was, mabey, Professer Plum. Then when someone proves you wrong, you can mark the other card to, pulling it off steathelie.

If it's anuall Clue playing night........
Youv'e got the Tricks in your sleve, now time for the Tips! Don't worry, these little known facts might help you twords extra turns..... or stop someone else.
1: (only applies to the new edition) The Clue spyglass symbol means you get a clue, but don't you know it also counts
as 1 space?
2: Miss Scarlett always starts. (Don't mention if your playing as Mustard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

3: You can't pass through the same square twice in one turn. (if you see some one do this, point it out!)

4: You can't go diangonal. (point it out if they do!)

Your ready for your acusation......
You acuse that Mr. Green Murderd Mr. Body, with the revolver, In the study. You are corect and you win!

Luna Johnson: Amazing
Amazing Authour #9= Great
Lost and found lestrange: Great
My other works: Good
The gymnastics pig: Good
The Miraculous Mystery of the Third floor at Hogwarts By: Ginny S. (for this one you have to serch, on the bar proboly)
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