First Years Guide to Ace Transfiguration: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for TNFG-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Transfiguration Glossary
Chapter 1
Animagi ⊱ Human beings who can become an animal as they wish, while still having the appearance of a human form.
Animate ⊱ Has life.
Athame ⊱ Another word for dagger.
Concentration ⊱ Focusing the mind to affect the world with magic.
Conjuration ⊱ Item that is developed by bonding the particles around us to make the item we want.
Dagger ⊱ Weapons that contain a small blade with a pointed end.
Dynamic Spells ⊱ Hits the target, but you can continue striking the item.
Fork ⊱ Cutlery to eat.
Glass ⊱ A see-through type of object. When broke, it can be very sharp.
Human Transfiguration ⊱ Altering the human physique.
Inanimate ⊱ Is lifeless.
Knowledge ⊱ The data & recollection of memories that lives in your brain.
Laws of Magic ⊱ The body of laws of all existence that forbids us to do particular magic.
Man-Made Magical Law ⊱ The rules & regulations from the Ministry of Magic.
Mass ⊱ The amount of quantity in an item.
Matchstick ⊱ Small sticks that help to create fire.
Metamorphmagi ⊱ Humans who have the skill of altering their image as they wish.
Molecules ⊱ A family of atoms that are connected together to create a chemical mixture.
Needle ⊱ A very small & thin metal used for sewing.
Pensieve ⊱ A tool that stores memories in which you & others can view.
Piccolo ⊱ A small flute that has a similar sound of a whistle.
Qualitative ⊱ Based purely on your senses; things you can describe.
Quantitative ⊱ Based on the total amount; includes numbers & lengths.
Quantum Physics ⊱ The type of physics that is unproven.
Quill ⊱ The primary wing feather of a bird used to write. Used with parchment ink.
Smoke ⊱ The result of fire.
Static Spells ⊱ Hits the target instantly & ends just as fast.
Switching Spells ⊱ Incantations that can switch the actual whereabouts of two objects or one important feature of an item.
Transfiguration ⊱ The change of the looks, features, & the formation of the object.
Transformation ⊱ The reason an item turns into something new from its original condition.
Trans-Species Transformation ⊱ An alteration of the type of thing you selected.
Untransfiguration ⊱ A sequence of spells that let you retract past transfiguration spells.
Vanishment ⊱ The reason an item vanishes from the world.
Variation ⊱ Substitute a different item instead of using the original item. The item can be similar to the original item to make the spell work.
Viciousness ⊱ The quality of energy of the object. It cannot be zero for both animate & inanimate items. There is always activity.
Wand Power ⊱ The energy of your wand & how it impacts by the wood, core, length, adaptability, & your bond you share.
Watch ⊱ Goes around your wrist & tells the time.
Weight ⊱ Dependent on the force of gravity.
Werewolves ⊱ Human most of the time, but becomes a wolf during every full moon.
Whistle ⊱ Creates one tone from a stream of air from the mouth of the one using it.
Willpower ⊱ The determination for a spell to occur to give your magic authority to bring your power to the surface.