First Years Guide to Ace Herbology: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HERB-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Herbology Glossary

Chapter 1

Anglo-Saxon Nine Herbs Charm ⊱ Discovered in the tenth century as part of the Lacnunga Manuscript. It was used to treat poisoning & infection, as well as baldness. Nettles are also used in this charm.

Annual ⊱ Plants that can live up to a year. Morning Glory is an example of this.

Arctic Aloe ⊱ This plant can cause frostbite on your skin.

Asphodel ⊱ A plant that can grow one to five feet high & are relatives to lilies.

Attraction ⊱ Plants that attract birds, bugs, animals, etc.

Biennial ⊱ Plants that can live up to two years. Forget-Me-Knots, Black-Eyed Susans, & Hagweed are examples of this.

Brass Cauldrons ⊱ Has a higher melting point than Pewters & is resistant to wearing from burning plants.

Bulb ⊱ Plants that rations energy for the winter months. Lilies are an example of this.

Centaur Tears ⊱ The tears of centaurs which have more vitamins & minerals than normal water.

Cold Hardy ⊱ Plants that can withstand low temperatures without dying.

Constant ⊱ Plants that remain the same all year round.

Copper Cauldrons ⊱ Are recyclable & can be used again with no quality loss.

Coughagus Ivy ⊱ This plant can give you a cold.

Dehumidifying Charm ⊱ Used for removing moisture in the air.

Diseased ⊱ These types of plants are likely to spread illnesses to kingdoms, humans, & animals.

Dragon Dung ⊱ The feces of dragons that are used as soil or tossed with compost to create a lighter organic soil.

Drought Tolerant ⊱ Plants that survive without water for a long time.

Evergreen ⊱ Plants that keep their green leaves all year round. Trees are an example of this.

Fall Flowers ⊱ Plants that bloom in the fall season.

Fern ⊱ Plants that have feathery or leafy fronds. Shatterferns are an example of this.

Fire Seed Bush ⊱ This plant can cause burns on your skin.

Fluxweed ⊱ A plant that can grow ten to thirty inches high. The green stems & yellow flowers bloom in the summer months. Also can be called Fluxweed & Tansy Mustard.

Fragrant ⊱ Plants that have a strong smell.

Full Sun ⊱ Plants that need six hours of sunlight a day. It has flexible sunlight hours; doesn't matter when throughout the day.

Gold Cauldrons ⊱ Interacts with all plants well.

Growth-Starting Charm ⊱ Is used for casting a small helpful increase in growth of a plant.

Herb ⊱ All plants that can be used for a variety of things.

Herbologist ⊱ Any magical person who grasps the understanding of plants.

Herbology ⊱ The analysis of plants that are magical & non-magical.

Hydrophobia ⊱ A fear of getting rabies.

Knotgrass ⊱ A plant that can grow three inches to six feet high & blooms in May until the fall. Also can be called Cow-Grass & Hogweed.

Lily ⊱ A plant that can grow two to six feet high & come in colors such as blue, purple, white, & yellow. When winter comes around, let the plant die off naturally.

Low Maintenance ⊱ Plants that are easy to take care of.

Mooncalf Dung ⊱ The feces of mooncalves that are used as soil & is a softer option.

Moonlight ⊱ Plants that need mirrored light & is connected to the moon cycle & moon magic potions. These plants are different from shade.

Moss ⊱ Close-growing & damp greenery. Whispermoss is an example of this.

Motherwort ⊱ A plant that can grow two to three feet high & to eliminate this weed, the entire plant needs to be pulled by its roots. This plant is very aggressive.

Mundane ⊱ Another word for non-magical plants.

Naturally Infectious ⊱ These plants can spread viruses.

Nettle ⊱ A plant that can grow three to seven feet high & harvests in the summer months.

Odd Behavior ⊱ Unnatural movements, unnatural growth, an unusual diet, or unnatural actions.

Partial Shade ⊱ Plants that need three to six hours of sunlight a day. Partial shade plants like the morning to the early afternoon sunlight.

Partial Sun ⊱ Plants that need three to six hours of sunlight a day. Partial sun plants like the late afternoon sunlight.

Perennial ⊱ Plants that can live a very long time. Trees are an example of this.

Pewter Cauldrons ⊱ For beginner potioneers & is a good cheap choice when using basic herbs & plants that are less dangerous.

Photosynthesis ⊱ The plant soaks up the beams of sunlight & changes the energy of the sunlight into carbohydrates.

pH Detection Charm ⊱ Detects what the pH balance the soil is.

pH Scale ⊱ How acidic, neutral, or basic the soil is by measurement on a scale.

Poisonous Plants ⊱ Can be poisonous by touching or ingesting it.

Pyrite Cauldrons ⊱ Cauldrons that are fools' gold; they are not real gold cauldrons. These cauldrons are illegal by the Ministry of Magic.

Re-flowering ⊱ Plants that bloom many times throughout the year.

Sentience ⊱ The ability to feel.

Severing Charm ⊱ Cut part of a plant for harvesting. This charm is used for dangerous plants.

Shade ⊱ Plants that need either deep shade or light shade. Deep shade plants love the dark forest floor, whereas light shade plants hate big amounts of sunlight. Light shade plants would rather be planted on the east side of a hill or among higher plants.

Shrub ⊱ Woody plants that stems grow from. Roses are an example of this.

Silver Cauldrons ⊱ Are perfect for nocturnal plants due to being able to be used for the phases of the moon.

Silverweed ⊱ A plant that looks green on top & silver under the leaves. This is because of the white hairs. This plant blooms yellow flowers on each stalk in the summer.

Solution ⊱ Plants that solve issues by altering dirt or prevent slopes from happening.

Sprig ⊱ A plants stem, leaves, & flowers.

Spring Flowers ⊱ Plants that bloom in the spring season.

Sticking Charm ⊱ Asphodels can be used as a sticking solution for this charm. The incantation is Astrictus.

Summer Flowers ⊱ Plants that bloom in the summer season.

Tree ⊱ Woody plants that have one stem or trunk, grows very tall, & its branches come from the trunk.

Unique Abilities ⊱ Breathing underwater, becoming invisible, or lucky. Defy gravity, growing with abnormal plant substances, reproduce strangely, catching on fire, or imitating speech.

Valerian ⊱ A plant that can grow five feet high & has white flowers that bloom in the summer months.

Vine ⊱ Woody plants that trails on objects & possesses thin stems. Creeping Ivy is an example of this.

Venomous Plants ⊱ Can be venomous by their needles, fangs, or hairs.

Water Plant ⊱ Plants that grow in water. Gillyweed is an example of this.

W.H.I.P.S. ⊱ Wizarding Herbs with Irritating or Perilous Specialties.

Winter Flowers ⊱ Plants that bloom in the winter season.

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