First Years Guide to Ace Herbology: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HERB-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Lesson Seven: Hazardous Herbs Study Guide

Chapter 8

There are six classifications of hazardous herbs. When dealing with any dangerous magical plant, use dragonhide gloves & keep your wand close in case you need to cast a Shield Charm or strengthening charms.

Class A: Odorous 
This class can act on people, animals, & other plants by unleashing powdered or gas odors. Wear a mask, use the Bubble-Head Charm, or keep a wand at your side. Masks should have strengthening charms & filtering charms.

Level One: Most dangerous, powder/gas causes heavy breathing/death, Hagweed pollen, Mandrakes are an example
Level Two: Less dangerous, poison/powder/gas causes inflammation in the respiratory system, finds ways under your skin/eyes, Smogwood trees are an example
Level Three: Mildly dangerous, paralysis in arms/legs, keep antidotes close, confusion, deep sleep, spider flowers are an example

Class B: Physically Aggressive
This class can strangle, bite, cut, or pummel you. Flesh-eating plants such as Devil's Snare, Fanged Geranium, & Spiky Bushes are in this class. Use dragonhide gloves or the Shield Charm & keep dittany on hand.

Class C: Toxic
This class has four levels of toxicity; level four being highly dangerous, & level one is eaten raw. Most plants are somewhat toxic. Toxic plants can also be non-magical & wear dragonhide gloves.

Class D: Infectious
This class can cause a witch, wizard, or even animals to become infected with flus & viruses.

Class E: Burning
This class can cause burns & can give you frostbite.

Class F: Reactive
This class can cause explosions & poisonous smoke. They explode when in sunlight for more than three hours. Gunpowder Gloriosas are an example of reactive plants.

Fun Facts
Belladonna is an example of poisonous plants.
Venomous Tentacula is an example of venomous plants.
An example of toxic plants is the Coughagus Ivy.
Dragonhide gloves are useless when dealing with burning plants. They need to be handled by spells.

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