First Years Guide to Ace Herbology: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HERB-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Lesson Seven: Hazardous Herbs Study Guide
Chapter 8
There are six classifications of hazardous herbs. When dealing with any dangerous magical plant, use dragonhide gloves & keep your wand close in case you need to cast a Shield Charm or strengthening charms.
Class A: Odorous
This class can act on people, animals, & other plants by unleashing powdered or gas odors. Wear a mask, use the Bubble-Head Charm, or keep a wand at your side. Masks should have strengthening charms & filtering charms.
Level One: Most dangerous, powder/gas causes heavy breathing/death, Hagweed pollen, Mandrakes are an example
Level Two: Less dangerous, poison/powder/gas causes inflammation in the respiratory system, finds ways under your skin/eyes, Smogwood trees are an example
Level Three: Mildly dangerous, paralysis in arms/legs, keep antidotes close, confusion, deep sleep, spider flowers are an example
Class B: Physically Aggressive
This class can strangle, bite, cut, or pummel you. Flesh-eating plants such as Devil's Snare, Fanged Geranium, & Spiky Bushes are in this class. Use dragonhide gloves or the Shield Charm & keep dittany on hand.
Class C: Toxic
This class has four levels of toxicity; level four being highly dangerous, & level one is eaten raw. Most plants are somewhat toxic. Toxic plants can also be non-magical & wear dragonhide gloves.
Class D: Infectious
This class can cause a witch, wizard, or even animals to become infected with flus & viruses.
Class E: Burning
This class can cause burns & can give you frostbite.
Class F: Reactive
This class can cause explosions & poisonous smoke. They explode when in sunlight for more than three hours. Gunpowder Gloriosas are an example of reactive plants.
Fun Facts
⊱ Belladonna is an example of poisonous plants.
⊱ Venomous Tentacula is an example of venomous plants.
⊱ An example of toxic plants is the Coughagus Ivy.
⊱ Dragonhide gloves are useless when dealing with burning plants. They need to be handled by spells.