Backstory Coding!!

written by rae.

Anyone bored with their backstory? Read this book to learn how to upgrade to your profile.

Last Updated






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Chapter 17


✰ Copy/paste this code: <*p style*="*border:*3px; *border-*style:*solid*; border-*color: black; padding*: 2em;"*>Text Here<*/*p*>

✰ We all know the next step... (remove asterisks*)

✰ You can adjust the color of the border by changing border-color:black; to whatever color you want.

✰ You can also adjust how thick the border is by changing padding: 2em; to padding: 3em; or any other thickness

✰ You can change the type of border by replacing border-style:solid; with border-type:dashed; for a dashed border or border-type:dotted; for a dotted border. You can change it to groove, ridge, inset, outset, or double.

For example: DD8-EE4-CB-CA89-4-E30-8-F49-5-A43-B31-E58-FE


✰ Either use <*blockquote*>Enter text <*/*blockquote*>

It should turn out like this

✰ Or <*pre*>Enter Text<*/*pre*>

It should turn out like this
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