From the Beginning (Sokeefe fanfic)

(INCLUDES KOTLC SPOILERS from the latest book)

Last Updated






Chapter Three ~ The "Usual" Weekend

Chapter 4

Keefe woke up the next morning to Ro hovering over him. He jumped into a sitting position, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Ro laughed. "You should've seen the look on your face, whe—" she couldn't continue, bursting into even more laughter.

Once Keefe's eyes adjusted to the room, he looked out the window to see the sun wasn't even up yet. He groaned, falling back against his bed. But the ogre princess grabbed his arm, pulling him off.

"Nope. Not today, Hunkyhair. You've got a meeting with your father today. Oh, I can't wait to see how this goes." She clapped her hands together.

"Great..." Keefe grumbled under his breath, walking out of his bedroom. Ro trailed behind him.

Unlike most prodigies at Foxfire, who don't have boring classes with annoying teachers on a weekend, anytime Keefe was around his father was like a lesson on etiquette or some tiring lesson on empathy that he usually already knew about. That, or it was impossible to comprehend a word Lord Cassius was saying. The number of times Keefe had almost nodded off to sleep was uncountable. Keefe wouldn't admit it, but some things his father taught him had become useful. Not regarding his behavior, but with his abilities.

"You could've at least gotten dressed into something more suitable," his father scolded once Keefe had entered his office.

"And do I ever listen?" Keefe asked, yawning.

Lord Cassius sighed heavily, gesturing for Keefe to sit down in a chair which Keefe reluctantly, slumped into, to annoy his father. Of course, it did, gaining another heavy sigh of disapproval.

An awkward silence followed, as always.

"Can we just get this over with already?" Keefe grumbled, shifting in his seat.

"Not until our visitor arrives," his father told him.

Keefe groaned, slumping even farther in his seat. Ro's arms reached from behind Keefe's chair and she grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up in a straighter position. "You might not want to do that." She winked, stepping back to the corner of the room.

Keefe frowned, watching her disappear into the shadows. He wanted to ask, but he stopped himself, not really wanting to know the answer.

The minutes that felt like hours passed before Keefe felt his eyes shut. He'd had enough. "I'm going back to bed," he mumbled, standing up and walking towards the door, bumping into someone.

He looked up to see who it was, his cheeks flushing, his gaze drifting back down. He was regretting all his decision making in the clothing department. He hadn't changed out of his gulon printed pajamas', with the hope to annoy his father and whoever the 'visitor' was.

But of course, it had to be her.

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