First Years Guide to Ace Potions: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for PTNS-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Potions Glossary
Chapter 1
Atmosphere ⊱ Constructed of multiple chemicals of liquids & gases.
Boil ⊱ Bacteria that is found in glands or hair follicles. They are painful pimples & some of them are the size of a golf ball.
Catalyst ⊱ Increases the rush of a chemical response.
Cauldron ⊱ The pot in which you brew potions in.
Compound ⊱ An individual type of substance that creates more than two atoms.
Diffuser ⊱ Add water & oils to make the atmosphere calming.
DNA ⊱ Your genetic make-up.
Dragon ⊱ A fanged, fire-breathing creature with wings & a long tail.
Estimated Brew Time (EBT) ⊱ The amount of time you will spend brewing a potion.
Forgetfulness Potion ⊱ Used for pranks. Also treats anxiety conditions & trauma.
Gas ⊱ Less condensed with the particles very alive with movement.
Heterogeneous ⊱ You can see the parts of the mixture.
Homogeneous ⊱ You can't see the parts of the mixture, but can be separated.
Kelvin ⊱ Measures thermodynamic temperatures. It is named after William Thomson.
Kingdom Plantae ⊱ A distinction from fungi, animals, single cell organisms, & non-plants.
Liquid Matter ⊱ Less crowded & very dynamic. The particles are always changing.
Magical Ingredients ⊱ Items that are already magical.
Measure ⊱ A consistent unit of volume, such as a tablespoon or teaspoon.
Metabolism ⊱ How fast the body releases energy to live & grow.
Mixture ⊱ Merges more than two compounds.
Molecules ⊱ More than two atoms.
Mundane Ingredients ⊱ Items that are non-magical.
Phases ⊱ There are solid, liquid, & gas phases.
Phase Transition ⊱ Where a phase shifts into another phase.
Poison ⊱ Substances that are harmful to the body & can lead to death.
Potion ⊱ A magical blend which merges magical items with non-magical components in order to make a concoction. Often prepared over a fire.
Solid Matter ⊱ Crowded tightly together while the particles move slowly.
Solute ⊱ A small-scaled substance quantity.
Solution ⊱ A form of a blend.
Solvent ⊱ A large-scaled substance quantity.
Standard Measure ⊱ A bit bigger than a spoon. It uses 40 mL of a substance.
Stirring Charm ⊱ Incantation is Halato (hah-LAH-toh). To stir, move your wand clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Thermal Energy ⊱ A change in energy due to an increase or a decrease of heat.
Total Brew Time (TBT) ⊱ The amount in total it takes for the potion to be brewed.
Transitional Ingredients ⊱ Non-magic ingredients that change into magical attributes.
Vestigial Organ ⊱ An organ that had a purpose once, but has no use today. An example is our appendix & wisdom teeth.