First Years Guide to Ace History of Magic: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HOM-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Lesson Nine: Magic & Religion Part 2 Study Guide

Chapter 12

This lesson is not included in the final exam. This is just interesting information about the Buddhism & Hinduism religions.


In the fourth to sixth centuries (BCE), the religion was from India & was popular in central, eastern, & western Asia. It relies on the Four Central Truths & Dukkha. Nirvana is when a person has real joy & happiness. Once a person has reached Nirvana, you have completed the Four Central Truths.

Dukkha is the first.
Samsara is the second.
Karma is the third.
Liberation is the fourth.


This religion has four denominations. Vaishnavism & Shaivism believe in one god; Shiva. Shaktism & Smartism believe in multiple gods & goddesses. Dharma, Artha, Kama, & Moksha are the important Purusarthas. Hinduism spells were made by songs & mantras. They are good at charms, conjurations, & enchantments that are protective.

Dharma is the ambition of religious duties, moral values, & true behavior.
Artha is the desire for wealth, a healthy life, & financial comfort.
Kama is the joy of life.
Moksha is liberation & rebirth.

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