The Santa Trap
written by I'm Sorry
When four girls scheme to trap Santa it doesn't go so well....... By: Ginny S.
Last Updated
The Trap
Chapter 1
"HERMIONE" I bellowed into my head piece. "What?" I heard her voice in my ear. "He's here" I heard Luna say, and followed by a "and I'm recording" from Angie. (Angulina) Ha and they said it would be an all nigher for nothing!
Earlier we had schemed that we where going to catch Santa Claus on video. We where all in various places of the Gryffondor Common Room. We had head sets, and it was intended to be my second all nigher. It better be because I had climbed up near the roof on beams and had already almost fallen off. I heard a scuff near the floor. And I saw him, it was Santa. And he looked like he knew he had been caught. I swung on the rope we had hung and landed on two feet behind him. "Hello!" I said, he wheeled around and I saw the most beautiful thing ever in his hands.
Earlier we had schemed that we where going to catch Santa Claus on video. We where all in various places of the Gryffondor Common Room. We had head sets, and it was intended to be my second all nigher. It better be because I had climbed up near the roof on beams and had already almost fallen off. I heard a scuff near the floor. And I saw him, it was Santa. And he looked like he knew he had been caught. I swung on the rope we had hung and landed on two feet behind him. "Hello!" I said, he wheeled around and I saw the most beautiful thing ever in his hands.