Hogwarts Daily News Issue #121
written by ☆ 《Belle Brookes》 ☆
In today's issue, there is an announcement from Samatha Love, a guide to reading Harry Potter, a poem out of a new series, and a bunch of fun things including a quote, a riddle and a fun fact!
Last Updated
Lilac’s Advice Column #3 (Entertainment)
Chapter 8
Welcome back to Lilac’s Advice Column! I hope that you are enjoying this series so far! As always, a Q is next to the question and an A is next to my advice!
Q: How can I make more friends, and try to have a better relationship with my boyfriend? - Anonymous Hufflepuff
A: I’m going to start with the question of making more friends. The best way to make new friends is to find people who have similar interests to you. Try joining a few groups or clubs. This will help you find people whom you can identify with. Now for the question about having a better relationship with your boyfriend. I’d say the best way to do that is connect more. By that I mean talking more, asking questions, getting to know him better. Try doing something together, like watching a movie or writing a story. Good luck!
Q: How do I convince my best friend, who thinks Harry Potter is stupid, to read the books???? - Lurena Lecrow, Hufflepuff
Oh my! Well, think of some things that you like about Harry Potter. Write a list! Then circle some things that you think your friend would like. You could try to use those in order to convince them to read the books! If this doesn’t work, know that it is okay for you and your friend to have different opinions.
Well, that’s all for this week! Thanks to Lurena Lecrow and anonymous Hufflepuff for participating! Please write to me at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-QEv_3TrjjeZ44lLqscRVxTiM9wr1WUix80Yv_R4R0Y/viewform
- Lilac Ellise, HDN Editor and Assistant Manager
Q: How can I make more friends, and try to have a better relationship with my boyfriend? - Anonymous Hufflepuff
A: I’m going to start with the question of making more friends. The best way to make new friends is to find people who have similar interests to you. Try joining a few groups or clubs. This will help you find people whom you can identify with. Now for the question about having a better relationship with your boyfriend. I’d say the best way to do that is connect more. By that I mean talking more, asking questions, getting to know him better. Try doing something together, like watching a movie or writing a story. Good luck!
Q: How do I convince my best friend, who thinks Harry Potter is stupid, to read the books???? - Lurena Lecrow, Hufflepuff
Oh my! Well, think of some things that you like about Harry Potter. Write a list! Then circle some things that you think your friend would like. You could try to use those in order to convince them to read the books! If this doesn’t work, know that it is okay for you and your friend to have different opinions.
Well, that’s all for this week! Thanks to Lurena Lecrow and anonymous Hufflepuff for participating! Please write to me at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-QEv_3TrjjeZ44lLqscRVxTiM9wr1WUix80Yv_R4R0Y/viewform
- Lilac Ellise, HDN Editor and Assistant Manager