First Years Guide to Ace Astronomy: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for ASTR-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Lesson Five: A.M.E. in Depth Study Guide

Chapter 6

Distance From the Sun, Angular Size, Phase, & Albedo

Light is reduced the further an object moves away from it. The size of a body is measured by angles in degrees, arcminutes, & arcseconds. You measure the size from two ends of the body. The larger the size angle is, the quantity of light will increase. A non-luminous body phase is the part of the body that is lit. The larger the body is lit, the more reflected light you will notice. The albedo is the quantity of light that is being reflected from a surface.

Magnesium Oxide ⊱ 0.96 (96%)
Dry Sand ⊱ 0.4 (40%)
Snow ⊱ 0.9 (90%)
Charcoal ⊱ 0.05 (5%)
Black Velvet ⊱ 0.01 to 0.03 (1% to 3%)

Formula of Amount of Light Reflected to Earth

(angular size)^2 x albedo x phase
(distance from the Sun)^2

Magical Albedo Versus Optical Albedo & Interference

The original formula was altered by Dr. Mansour to invent a new formula for the amount of Sun magic that would be reflected on bodies. Stone & metal substances absorb magic. Interference is very special with magic. Interference can be between negative one to positive one. To make the double & cancel, a one is joined in the A.M.E. Quotient formula. When Jupiter is aligned with Mars, their magic has a stronger bond. Quotient is used after A.M.E. simply because you divide a number by another.

Formula of Amount of Magic Reflected to Earth By a Non-Luminous Body

(angular size)^2 x albedo x phase = interference +1
(distance from the Sun)^2

Fun Facts
In Latin, Albedo or Albus translates to White.
No real substances reflect any or all light, which means the albedo is in the middle between zero & one.
Dr. Mansour discovered that bodies that are light in color reflect larger amounts of magic, whereas bodies that are dark in color reflects a smaller amount of magic.
Jupiter heightens the power of enchantments, while Mars makes people violent.

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