Hogwarts Daily News Issue #130
written by ☆ 《Belle Brookes》 ☆
In this short issue, there is another article on Fantastic Beasts. Also, what would happen if Hogwarts was in Quarantine. There are a few more fun articles!
Last Updated
Hogwarts in quarantine: 7 things students and professors would do (Entertainment)
Chapter 2
OMG! Hogwarts in quarantine! Wear your mask please!
7. All the students would be in their Houses and in each Common room they could gather in groups of 4 wizards / witches, for 1 hour each group.
6. The House elves that cook in the kitchens won’t let Hufflepuffs and other students to get into and take foods when they hungry. The food will appears inside the Houses with the Great Hall remaining empty.
5. Ravenclaws are the luckiest of all the students because they have the ‘’richest’’ library of all the Houses and so those who had not already read everything would have plenty to do in their spare time.
4. Of course, Hermione, before the quarantine was announced, would have visited the library and tagged the girls' room with books "for a little light reading" and when they were over, she would start intensive repetitions in the lessons of the year. Of course he would like to participate in the teachers' research on the coronavirus filter, however he would not be allowed to enter the laboratory due to quarantine.
3.Harry would caress his Nimbus 2000 and bring tears to his eyes, which he could not train at Quidditch, but he would have understood from the beginning that quarantine is a sacrifice we must all make for the common good and so chose to play chess with Ron, to remember their first year at Hogwarts.
2. Professor Flitwick would look for a new hand-spell disinfectant spell - and he would eventually find it just when antiseptic supplies ran out.
1. Professor McGonagall would assist Poppy Pomfrey in the School's infirmary from day 1, making sure all patients had the necessary care so that their symptoms did not worsen and they had to be transported to Saint Mungo’s Hospital.
So, #StayatHogwarts!
Claire Angelina Herkins, HDN Writer
7. All the students would be in their Houses and in each Common room they could gather in groups of 4 wizards / witches, for 1 hour each group.
6. The House elves that cook in the kitchens won’t let Hufflepuffs and other students to get into and take foods when they hungry. The food will appears inside the Houses with the Great Hall remaining empty.
5. Ravenclaws are the luckiest of all the students because they have the ‘’richest’’ library of all the Houses and so those who had not already read everything would have plenty to do in their spare time.
4. Of course, Hermione, before the quarantine was announced, would have visited the library and tagged the girls' room with books "for a little light reading" and when they were over, she would start intensive repetitions in the lessons of the year. Of course he would like to participate in the teachers' research on the coronavirus filter, however he would not be allowed to enter the laboratory due to quarantine.
3.Harry would caress his Nimbus 2000 and bring tears to his eyes, which he could not train at Quidditch, but he would have understood from the beginning that quarantine is a sacrifice we must all make for the common good and so chose to play chess with Ron, to remember their first year at Hogwarts.
2. Professor Flitwick would look for a new hand-spell disinfectant spell - and he would eventually find it just when antiseptic supplies ran out.
1. Professor McGonagall would assist Poppy Pomfrey in the School's infirmary from day 1, making sure all patients had the necessary care so that their symptoms did not worsen and they had to be transported to Saint Mungo’s Hospital.
So, #StayatHogwarts!
Claire Angelina Herkins, HDN Writer